cha{lle}nging education wellbeing

multifaceted approaches for holistic wellness in learning spaces,
through wellbeing coaching, support and resources.

Educational Wellbeing:

“An holistic approach to whole-body health in learning spaces, using positive psychology and lifestyle medicine tools.”

-Ashlee Sturme

Holistic health is critical to educational achievement: learning cannot happen if students are not well, and equally, educators cannot teach if they’re not well.

Proven Health & Education Models

For me, wellbeing can only be achieved through an holistic lens that takes into account all aspects of our selves - considering physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, connective and environmental health.

It requires careful self-reflection and an understanding of what drives us. We need to be prepared to considering the effect of the world around us and our contribution to it.

To achieve hauora/wellbeing, I start with a Te Whare Tapa Wha approach, as above,
that our home/ourselves cannot stand strong without all components built well.
I work with clients to further consider their sense of purpose, nutrition, movement, stress management, sleep, connection and mindset, as seen in the
CHA{LLE}NGING model of pillars below:

Together we identify what is going on, what barriers exist, what the goal is, and how we will get there. Along the way, we tweak our approach and celebrate our wins!

My health coaching is an individualised approach to health and wellness that meets clients where they are at and moves them forward.

An Holistic Approach

I work in the education/wellbeing intersect because I passionately believe the best learning happens in healthy spaces!

Our children need to be healthy, supported, included, understood, safe, heard, valued, encouraged, celebrated, guided and LOVED, in order to achieve to their best potential!

Our educators also need to be healthy - on the inside and the outside of themselves. Thier profession is one of giving, caring, loving, uplifting - and in order to hold space for their learners, they need to be feeling great too!

My approach to educational wellbeing is based upon

  • Trust and connection first!

  • Fun and humor

  • Holistic and all-rounded - the learner doesn’t exist in a vacuum, the wellbeing of our whanau matters, educator health is critical

  • Challenge the lines/think outside the box - we don’t have to do what we’ve always done

Flexible Coaching Solutions

The magic of coaching is an individualized approach that places the client at the centre of healthcare.

It is important to me that I offer coaching solutions that meet your needs.

This may look like

  • lunchtime walk n talk coaching sessions with school leaders

  • lunchtime or afterschool workshops with teachers

  • one-on-one coaching sessions with the whole whanau over zoom

  • text coaching for busy educators

  • the school investing in their staff and/or using our EAP provider, Clearhead

  • private coaching options

  • online programmes and resources

  • workshops for homeschool groups online or in person

Qualified & Professional Delivery

You’re investing in quality coaching, and your assurance is my broad CV of qualifications, accreditations and experience.

As well as being an educational wellbeing coach, I also work in different educational spaces - with children, at management level, and in governance, so you know that I understand your concerns and challenges.

I bring a wealth of health and wellbeing qualifications that make up the holistic lens I apply to coaching.


1:1 Coaching

The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle.

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Explore wellness principles on your own schedule through a variety of online resources and workshops.

Coming Soon


Begin your wellness journey in your teams with in-person workshops - perfect for whole-staff PD.
Bay of Plenty-based.

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Creating a plan that works for you

Through my personalized coaching, I’ll work alongside you to develop an integrated plan to achieve full body & mind wellness.

I’m a qualified health and mental health coach with additional certification in metabolic health and nutrition, and empowered eating.

I am particularly passionate about neurodiversity advocacy and support with lived experience in the ADHD and autism spaces.

I love working with school leadership teams and principals to support wellbeing that flows through the rest of school.

I promote solutions that are multi-faceted - out-of-the-box thoughts that work because we meet un-met needs. In this, I advocate for more child-led play, nature-based play for children and creativity and mindset practices for adults.