
What is educational wellbeing, anyway?

Educational Wellbeing is a

holistic approach to health

in learning spaces

using positive psychology and

lifestyle medicine tools.

Holistic health is critical to educational achievement: learning cannot happen if students are not well, and equally, educators cannot teach if they’re not well.

challenging the current narrative…

Too many of our educators are burnt out.

Too many of our caregivers are struggling.

Too many of our children are suffering.

Evidence-based, trauma-informed, wellbeing-focused, neurodiversity-empowered, child-led – these can be buzz words, or they can be a way of doing.

It’s time to take a new approach to pedagogy: let’s give heart to teaching and learning. Wellbeing first, through holistic solutions and approaches in education.

That’s what cha{lle}nging education wellbeing is: The holistic individualised solution to our current health/school crisis.

Wellbeing in education is

  • inclusive

  • physical

  • mental

  • emotional

  • spiritual

  • interconnected

  • holistic

  • empowering

changing what educational wellbeing looks like, for better health and academic outcomes for our children.

Ashlee supports schools and whanau to achieve a better holistic approach for learners.
Combining physical and mental health strategies,
the latest scientific evidence on health and human development,
lifestyle medicine and health coaching,
alongside a passionate, colourful and unique presentation,
Ashlee is an Educational Wellbeing Coach working to bring it all together.

Are you ready to embrace holistic care in education?

“I just love our sessions: your approach, energy, and openness.”

“The purpose of learning is growth.”

-Mortimer Adler

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”

-John Dewey

Whilst the media reports awful stats on mental health, and the challenges our schools face, the stress our educators and school leaders are under… there is space for a new discussion: how to create an education model that empowers learners and educators.

Imagine a learning structure that is adaptive to different needs, that supports educator wellbeing, that prioritizes the whole child. An approach that incorporates lifestyle medicine, positive psychology, health coaching, and ultimately results in healthy, happy children achieving their goals, and educators that are passionate and not burnt out.