
the mastery of health coaching,

the power of lifestyle medicine,

the magic of life-long learning

to empower educators & students to feel healthy and inspired.

“Ashlee has a keen interest in particular in catering for the diverse needs of all our students, especially those who present with challenging needs and behaviors often resultant of their backgrounds. She cares deeply for our students and always has their best interests at heart regardless of the needs they present.”

Our 1:1 sessions will be

  • Personalized

    Together we’ll co-construct a personal plan based on your current wellness and the wellbeing goals you’re seeking. We set approaches that work for you - your timetable, your passions and your needs.

  • Uplifting

    My approach is fun and engaging. We’ll have a laugh, probably shed some tears, and enjoy the journey of wellbeing together. You’ll finish each session feeling inspired to live your best life.

  • Integrative

    Since achieving wellness is more than just exercise and diet, I’m passionate about holistic approaches. We’ll incorporate whole-body health into your plan by considering all pillars of Te Whare Tapa Wha.

Every session will inspire you:

more confident…
clear action plans…
a sense of being heard…
increased energy…

Let’s chat.

You can book a 50 minute consult and we can check in about how I can support you in your wellness goals.

We’ll identify your goals and have a discussion about what is standing in your way.

We’ll be able to co-construct a plan on how to achieve wellbeing and you’ll be able to decide when you’re ready for us to work together.

I will always refer people to another coach I know if I think they will be better suited to achieving your goals, because I am committed to seeing your success!

Why me?

I’m an Educational Wellbeing Coach committed to seeing better health/learning outcomes for our children.

I believe that for this to happen, we need to care for our educators and school leaders so they are best positioned to support our children.

I also believe we need to rethink the approach we use for our children, that prioritises their holistic wellbeing so that learning can be built upon a strong base.

To do this, I work with families, school leaders, teachers and in other educational spaces to improve wellbeing where it is needed using an individualised tailored approach.

I stand on a foundation of child-led, play-based, trauma informed, science based coaching, with a fun & humorous approach with whanaungatanga (relationship building) at the core.

I am in the unique position of sitting at multiple levels of education, giving me a multi-tiered view of what is affecting NZ learners and educators:


I will push against the social norms/boxes that confine growth and I will look for solutions that best meet the needs of our people.


How do sessions work?

I coach online - so you’ll be sent a zoom link. Feel free to use your phone or computer.
Even better, pop your headphones on and let’s do our call as a WALK n TALK!

How long is a session for?

Each session is usually about 40-45 minutes of coaching.

Our first session is usually 50 minutes with some homework for you before and after.

How do I pay?

Carepatron and Stripe take care of payments for me, or we can arrange direct debit bank payment.

Packages are paid in advance by direct deposit. We can arrange a weekly plan for this too.

I charge per session or per package, as agreed.

Do I have to do more than one session?

Sustainable behaviour change takes time. That’s why diets fall over, well-intentioned plans to exercise don’t last, and we struggle with sleep and stress our whole lives. Your chosen package will depend on you and your goals, motivation and drive.

Coaching is designed to walk beside you whilst you implement change, and that is why I promote packages - you commit to a three month habit-change, see real results, and you save $$!

However, ensuring the right fit is important. I can do an initial 50 minute consult with you for $120 to identify your goals, barriers and action plan and then you can decide if you’re ready to commit to a coaching package.

Can I do more sessions?

Clients often book a package after a package, as we move from one wellbeing pillar to another. Nothing beats feeling so amazing!

What do I need?

You’ll need a reliable internet connection and a webcam for zoom, otherwise a good phone if you’d prefer telehealth.

For the first meeting, I send a wellbeing questionnaire. Otherwise you’ll need your desire for improved health, a ready-to-go attitude, and a good sense of humour!

Are you qualified?

Absolutely! I’m not only qualified, but I’m accredited too, so you know I’m a professional. More details can be found on my bio page.

Do you do group sessions?

I sure do! I love doing workshops for educators in person.
I also can work with your wider whanau - whoever the caregivers/educators are for your child, let’s get them on the same session and together we can find solutions.

Do I have to be sick?

No! Mental fitness and wellbeing are equally as important to prioritise as getting better when you are unwell.

(In fact, I’d argue that this preventative approach is ESSENTIAL and will save you a lot of time and angst in the future!).

If I think another wellbeing provider or coach is better suited to support your health goals, I’ll tell you and give you their details.